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December 19, 2000 - Tuesday

It's actually warm out there! It's 1 degree. Wa hoo! The only bad thing is that it will probably snow!

Today was okay. I was a bit late leaving for work today so I grabbed a cup of instant ramen for breakfast. I think sandwiches are better.

The classes that I had today went okay. Nothing too special, but not too bad either. I did a Christmas lesson in one, and made plans to have another one on Friday.

I did get some bad of my students was in a car accident last weekend. She wasn't badly hurt, but it sounds like her car may have been totaled. She's cancelled her lessons for this week. I hope she's okay.

After work tonight a few students and staff members went out to an izakaya. I went too. It was nice. I didn't drink, just had my usual oolong tea. We had blue cheese pizza, daikon salad...a kind of radish, German Potatoes, and a few other things. Yum. I enjoyed myself.

At 11:30 I walked home. It was a bit difficult as the streets were slippery, but it was warm and pleasant...not much wind. I got home just at 12.

That's about it I think. Not much to say for myself today. Sorry.

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