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December 22, 2000 - Friday

Hello again from snowy ol'Otaru. I'm off to Kamishihoro tomorrow to spend Christmas with a couple of Canadian friends so if you don't hear from me, don't worry! PS...I don't know where Kamishihoro is either!

Today was a quiet day, but I managed to get a lot of things done. I taught my 3 lessons, and then I did a spot of redecorating. I didn't change everything in my room, but I did change some of the artwork. I wonder if anyone will notice? I also made up a new time schedule for myself. It isn't finished yet, but it does show a few of the changes that will happen next year.

I taught the stamping lesson in 2 classes today. It went quite well. The kids got the Christmas lesson version of it, and they enjoyed it.

One of our teachers is transfering to another school so after work we had a mini party for her. It was nice, but sad.

I walked home with Justin. It was a little scary in places due to the ice, but doable.

At home I packed. I have a bag and a backpack. I'm leaving some stuff there, but I hope to bring back some stuff too. I love Christmas!

Anyway, I've got things to do, calls to make and I must be off. I'd like to wish all regular readers, and any casual ones, a very Merry Christmas and a great joyous 2001. Talk to you again on Monday!

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