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December 21, 2000 - Thursday

When I left for work this morning it was nice. I couldn't believe it, it was about 5 degrees out there, and the snow was melting. I almost thought it was a chinook! But.... about an hour and a half later, we got hail, then we got snow. And then we got snow. And then we got more snow. Sigh. So much snow. It's back down to -4 or so with a pretty strong wind. It isn't a nice night to be out at all.

Work was a little interesting today. We had a visitor at work. Another teacher came to observe Justin's lessons as part of his training. It's always neat to see a new teacher in a school. The students are generally quite surprised and it's interesting to see them react to a new teacher.

On my teaching front, things only went okay. The first class was okay, but no-one came from the second. I knew that one student couldn't come but where was the other? In my final class one student came, but she said that she hadn't slept last night, so she really was tired.

On my lunch time I went to the ticket office at the railway station to buy my ticket for the weekend trip. I was surprised as it was a lot cheaper than I thought it would be. Hmm. Wonder why? After I got my ticket I bought a bento at the grocery next to the station, then went back to the office and ate.

After school we had cake. The manager had won a cake in a school competition so we ate some of it. It was okay. Then, I left. I had to go back to the school to get my umbrella, but no big deal.

The walk home wasn't terribly pleasant. It was quite slippery in places and the snow wasn't thick enough to give traction, but was thick enough to hide the ice underneath. Nonetheless, I made it home safely. I wrote a few more cards for New Years and then wrote this entry. Soon, I hope to go to bed. Early for a change would be nice!


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