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December 26, 2000 - Tuesday

A quiet day today. It was hard to rouse myself this morning. I just didn't want to get up. Only a couple of more times that I have to get out of bed.

I walked to work, taking a box that I wanted to have couriered with me. It was darn heavy and my arms hurt the rest of the day! Oh well.

I got a Christmas Card from a relative in Edmonton. It was very nice to hear from her.

The three classes that I had today were fine. Actually they went rather well. I think the students enjoyed them.

It was sad at the office today, one of my co-workers and I took down the Christmas decorations. I hate that! In Japan they take down the decorations too early. I was always told to leave them up until January 5th.

After work tonight I was invited out by one of Justin's students. I was really touched. I don't get asked out much so it was a nice surprise. I only stayed for an hour, but it was nice to go out.

When I walked home the temperature was -1, but earlier in the day it was -7. We've had all kinds of weather today, snow, sun, wind, hail, you name it.

I'm going to go to bed soon I think. Good night!

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