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January 4, 2000 - Tuesday

It's the last day of my holiday and what did I do? I went shopping! I promised some of my friends and my family some "Goten Mari" and I didn't get around to buying them earlier. What are "Goten Mari"? They are balls covered in coloured thread. They are made in this area and they are very beautiful. They aren't made for this purpose, but my sister uses them for Christmas tree ornaments. They are delightful. I also bought some other souvenir type stuff. It was fun.

After that I went to Ikeda, one of the department stores in Tsuruoka. I like it a lot. Today all the people in the store were wearing kimonos. They looked so wonderful. I can't wait for summer to wear my yukata again. I had my breakfast/lunch there - miso ramen thank you very much - as I was paying the waitress asked me if I was okay with chopsticks! It cracks me up to think that people think I can't use them, especially after more than 2 and a half years. No big deal, really. Then I did a bit of other shopping, but I can't say what I bought because one is a present for someone.(If you want to know, ask me privately and maybe I'll tell you)

As I was leaving the store it started to rain, but not too badly. However, by the time I got to Tsuruoka Park, it was hailing again. Sigh. I stopped in at the Shrine for a few moments and then was on my way home.

When I got home I dumped my stuff and took off again for the grocery store which was finally open. I bought a few necessities....bread, pink grapefruit juice....etc. And that's about it. I watched Shelby Woo again....I really like that show. It's nice to see an American show about a smart Asian girl. I've been reading my Patricia Cornwell tonight. It's so good. It's called Southern Cross. It's different from her Dr. Scarpetta novels, it's quite funny.

I'm hoping to get to bed early tonight so I have a chance to get up in time for work tomorrow.

Nighty night.

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