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July 12, 2000 - Wednesday

I wasn't as busy as I'd hoped I'd be. Two of my classes cancelled today. One rescheduled for Saturday...that means I'll have eight classes, all but one will be one person classes. Yikes.

Hey, I forgot to talk about something important yesterday. It was the health check. It went well. For the first time I didn't feel like I was on The X-Files undergoing an alien examination. The nurses didn't speak English, but they were very friendly and the doctor actually sat me down and asked if I could speak Japanese before he listened to my lungs. What a refreshing change from Tsuruoka! This year they asked if I could read hiragana (a Japanese writing style) when I did the eye test. I think I did okay at it. It was nice to be able to say "Yes, a little." Anyway, once again I think I am incredibly healthy. Hurray.

The classes that I did have today went well. It was nice.

At lunch I mailed off some packages. I sent Hitomi her present in Tsuruoka and some things to Canada. A postcard to my niece and a small package to my friend Michelle.

It was one of my co-worker's birthday today. We bought her cake, so after all the students left we ate cake in the lobby. The piece I got was nice, but it had bananas in it. Why on earth would anyone want to spoil a perfectly wonderful chocolate cake by putting bananas in it? I dunno. She invited me to go out for coffee after work, so I went and Justin tagged along too. We went to a really nice place, Cafe de Julio (I think, I might have the name a little wrong) The owners are a couple, she's Japanese and he's Italian. Anyway, we drank iced espressos and gabbed away. It was nice, really nice.

I got home in time to watch most of Beverly Hills 90210. Donna and Noah broke up and Kelly and Matt got engaged. Like that wedding will ever happen.

I was just about to write my day's entry when my friend Pam called and we gabbed for a while. I really enjoyed talking to had been a while. I couldn't reach her last night, but tonight she caught me.

And that's about it. I watched Dinosaurs again, and now I think I'm going to head off to bed.

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