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July 11, 2000 - Tuesday

Today was another quiet day. I wasn't too busy at work.

I bought a pair of pliers on the way to work. I wanted to take some staples and broken thumbtacks out of the walls at work. I actually had a mini conversation with the man at the shop too. Yay!

Work was fine. One of my students is taking a break. She has a bad family situation, so no classes for her for a month. Very sad.

After work I walked home with Justin and an odd thing happened. A lady stopped us and offered to buy us a drink. Then she asked if we were married! Ha ha. Most of what they said was in Japanese, so I'm afraid I didn't understand a lot. Funny, ne?

At home I just vegged and tried to call my friend. I couldn't get her, just a fax machine, so stopped after a while. I watched the end of a violent Clint Eastwood movie and then Touching Evil, a very good detective show from Britain.

Not an exciting day really. Nice. Tomorrow I should be a bit busier than I have been for a while I hope.


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