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July 27, 2000 - Thursday

Today was Yukata Day at work. The teachers at my school wore yukatas and 2 students did too. It was fun, but I forgot how uncomfortable it was to wear the board under the obi.

It didn't rain today. It was nice for a change. I hope it doesn't rain this weekend.

I had a quiet day at work...not much happened. I had 4 lessons, and they all seemed to go well. One of them had a new student in them. I also did a level check that went well.

I came home and started to brush up my place for the weekend. For those of you who don't know, I'm having a visitor over the weekend and I won't be posting or e-mailing. Don't worry about me. I'll be fine!

After I came home the doorbell rang. My neighbour and co-worker wanted to borrow a needle and some thread. It was amazing...I actually knew where they were, so I could give them to him.

That's about it for my day. I wanted to watch Dinosaurs, but the show has ended and instead they are showing Full House. Yuck!

Anyway, today was fine....I'll catch you for a pre-weekend update tomorrow night. Bye!

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