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July 26, 2000 - Wednesday

Today was fine. Actually quite nice. Except for the rain, it was a nice day. I was busy at work...well, almost! I had five classes which was a big improvement over most days.

I went out for lunch with my co-worker today, it was nice for a change. Then, this evening after work we ended up going to Mosburgers for their Nan Dog. It was pretty good.

When I got home I went to the video store to return some videos and when I was there I checked out the ones for sale. I saw an episode of MacGyver so I bought it. When I went to pay for it the man told me that I had to buy 3 was a special deal. Then I picked out some more...Less than Zero, which I haven't seen and Ferris Bueller's Day Off, which I have. I look forward to seeing them some time.

I called the teacher who replaced me in Tsuruoka and we had a good long gab. I maybe missed another call because of it. Oh dear. Sounds like things are doing well there though.

It was a pretty good day. In the morning before work I did a load of laundry so I actually accomplished something. I have to get to bed fairly soon as I'm quite tired! Later....

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