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June 5-9, 2000

June 5, 2000

Despite going to bed late and setting my alarm so I'd wake up, I woke up a hour before the alarm was to go off. I had lots of things to do, so I got up. I packed a few more boxes, sealed them too. I did a bit of cleaning, but not a lot actually. I couldn't clean until the boxes were away.

I didn't eat of course. I did my usual "I have nothing to eat" routine. It was very late before I actually did eat.

Miki, the manager came and picked up some of my stuff and took some stuff off to be cleaned. That was good of her.

The movers came around 2:30 I think and they were fast. Of course, I had everything ready, so they just had to take it down the stairs and put it on the truck.

When they finished and drove off, Miki said she would come back later to pick me up....a nice surprise....and I got busy. I cleaned the bathroom especially, but also vacuumed and swept. When she came back the apartment was transformed!

We left, locked it, and I gave her the keys. It was sad. I was very happy in that apartment and the only bad things about it were the expense and the distance from the school in the winter. I thought the apartment itself was great!

I'm writing this in the not so lovely Petit Tsuruoka hotel which is next to the train station. It's a bit noisy and I hate to say it....grungy. The bathroom is fine thank goodness, except the toilet seat has a couple of cracks in it. Ouch!

Going to bed soon. I'm really really tired.

June 6, 2000

A busy day. I woke up around 8:00 this morning and I finally got up and showered. I was in the shower when I heard the maid come in my room. Not impressive.

Before work I checked out, took my heavy suitcase back to the school and went to the bank to pay for my water bill. Then I went to Mr. Donuts for breakfast. After I decided to wander around the Marica cd department. I didn't find anything that I wanted, but I did in the magazine section. I was really surprised, they had an American English. I bought it more from the novelty than anything else. It took 3 salesclerks to ring it in, so maybe the store got it by mistake?

I taught my first lesson at the school and was in a telephone meeting when I first met Gabrielle. She seems really nice and it was a big relief for me to be honest. I'm leaving my students to someone who'll take care of them.

Lessons went well today, generally. I enjoyed teaching them. Tomorrow I plan to let Gabrielle do a bit of teaching. The poor woman was completely knackered today. I remember just how tired I was on my first day too, so I understand.

Tonight I'm back in the not so lovely Petit Tsuruoka, but I've changed rooms. This one is a bit nicer, definitely not so smoky. I haven't found any broken glass on the floor yet either. And, as an added bonus, it looks like there is only 1 crack in the toilet. Yahoo!

Anyway, I'm off to bed. Nighty night......

June 7, 2000

This morning I got up a little later than the day before and I took my dress clothes to the school. Then I walked to my old apartment to pick up Gabrielle. It was kind of sad. I got there ages early so I sat outside for a few minutes and just vegged. Then, I decided that I had better go and tell her I was there. Just then my (ex)neighbour came out of her apartment so I managed to tell her in my incredibly bad Japanese that I was moving to Otaru and that Gabrielle would be the next occupant of the apartment. Gabrielle must have heard us, because she came out to say "Hi". She let me in to the apartment and it was amazing. It didn't look like my old place at all! Actually it was a bit of a relief.

We walked back to the school and I pointed out some sights/shops on the way. I gave her the grand tour. I think it was helpful for her. I didn't tell her about city hall though. That would have been even better. Oh well, there's always tomorrow!

I only taught 3 lessons today. I had a cancellation and I asked Gabrielle to teach 2. I think they went quite well...I observed one, and let her do her first one alone.

My classes did go well. Noriko learned how to describe things, especially Japanese things. I had Gabrielle observe the lesson and then I got Noriko to explain some Japanese things to her. It worked really well, because Gabrielle really didn't know what some of the things were...come to think of it, neither did I!

In my last class I did a review of polite and impolite questions. The grande finale was an actual party with tea and cookies. It worked really well and was nice to have people talking freely.

After work, Gabrielle and I did a bit of paperwork and then we headed off to our separate abodes. I did a bit of envelope writing and watched Japanese! I don't really know what happened, except it looked like Janet had her baby and there was a big problem going on in the hospital. Gina and David look like they've got together.

I'm now watching the bilingual news....a nice break. I think I'm going to go to bed now. I'm tired and I have to stay out late tomorrow night at karaoke. That should be fun though!

I'm also still waiting to hear if my friend had her baby back in Canada yet. In a way, I hope so, but in a way, I hope not!


June 8, 2000

Today was great. I left the hotel around 10 and went to a drug store to try to buy a small toothpaste container but the store only had multi-packs and I didn't want that. I have lots of toothpaste, but it's on its way to Otaru now!

Then, I went for coffee in a small coffee shop that I used to bike past. It is called Coffea and it was really nice. It smelled great and they used fine china to serve the coffee in. I had a cup of cafe au lait. Yum. The guy did ask me if I could understand the menu. I won't say I understood it a hundred per cent, but I did understand it enough to do!

After that I popped into Mr. Donuts again to get something substantial to eat and headed to the office.

Classes went well today. I taught them all today and I gave Gabrielle a chance to work on her Saturday classes. I'll check them tomorrow. Gabrielle did observe two of my lessons.

The four year old came today, but he nearly didn't. He wasn't feeling well, and he just had no energy. I felt really sorry for him to be honest. He worked hard, so I think he did very well. I gave him a small goodbye present of two alphabet books. I think he'll enjoy them. I didn't think I would, but I got a little teary when I said goodbye to him. I've worked really hard on teaching him, and now I'm leaving him.

Some of Hitomi's students were more upset than mine were about me leaving! A couple of them were nearly in tears. I felt so bad. I only know them from the lobby or parties usually but I like them a lot.

After work, we got down to the paperwork and finished in near record time. It was karaoke time!

A few of us went for karaoke. We stayed 3 hours. I sang lots of songs, including my theme song! I sang a couple of weepies too, including Mandy, Beth and Time After Time. It was a lot of fun. It was also Gabrielle's first time to go to karaoke. I think she had fun.

After I came back to the hotel and started to write this.

Other notes on today. I found out that my friend Janet and her husband Pat had a baby boy on Monday. His name is Liam. I think it's a great name.

I also started to read "The Solitaire Mystery" by Jostein Gaarder. He's the author of "Sophie's World", an absolutely fascinating book about philosophy I read a couple of years ago. This book is just as interesting. I think that because he writes in another language and then is translated to English the wordiness of it is intriguing. Things aren't phrased the way I would do it...and that's what makes it work so well. When I think of the Norwegian Lit course I took at college and compare it to this book, well, I'd rather read this any day. It's funny. I've had this book for a long time, but I've never been able to sit down and read it. It's almost like I was meant to keep it for this week...when I didn't have other things to do!

Anyway, it's late and I'm off to bed. I've karaoked for the last time in Tsuruoka, I think. Sigh. That's pretty sad. Adieu, et a demain.....

June 9, 2000 - Friday

I don't know why I never realized it would be before but the hardest day emotionally I've ever taught in Tsuruoka was the last one. I had to say goodbye to many students today. I also had to finish packing up my classroom.

I didn't have a terribly busy day as I wasn't planning for next week here. Of course I probably should have been planning for next week in my new school, but I didn't!

I was pretty okay most of the day, but saying goodbye to my high school prep student was hard. She was pretty teary and so was I. I gave her a book for her homestay so she can write down her memories in it.

In my last class, 2 students brought cake! That was really nice of them. So we ate cake after class and then the staff plus Fumihiko went for ramen. I had the same dish for my last bowl as I did for my first all those years ago, Miso Corn Butter. It was still just as good.

After ramen Gabrielle and I headed back to the school to do more work. I had to finish packing my classroom and do a bit of paperwork. Gabrielle left after a while and I stayed on. I did get a bit weepy, and it took me a long, long time to get everything done. Shimi even came and knocked on the door to check what was happening.

It's funny I don't really know what's going to happen tomorrow. I'm being met at the school at 10 ish by Fumihiko, but my plane doesn't leave until 1. I'm not sure what we'll do between 10 and 1. I guess I'll find out! And so, of course gentle readers, will you!!!!

The next time I write I'll likely be in Otaru. Wish me luck.

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