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June 10, 2000 - Saturday

Well, here I am in Otaru. It has been a long day.

I got up this morning as usual, listening to Virgin Radio in the hotel....that was one nice feature of the place. I did the whole showering/packing/getting ready for checking out bit.

I went over to the school and read the paper a bit and waited. Fumihiko came to the school a bit later, followed by Hitomi and then Gabrielle. He took pictures of us all and then I asked him what we should do. Or, maybe, he asked me what we should do. Anyway, I asked if he had had breakfast. He had, but as I hadn't, he asked if I wanted to have some. I was a bit hungry so I said yes. He took me to his house and got his Mum to cook me breakfast! I got miso soup, salad and unagi (eel...might have the wrong word). It was wonderful.

Then it was time to go to the airport. Some of my students said that they'd meet me at the airport and I didn't really believe them, but they did. Shimi, Kazuhiro, Noriko, Ritsu and Yukie drove all the way there to meet me one last time. Manabu came over to say goodbye, as he works there. It was so hard to say goodbye, but I made it through the metal detector without crying....but as I was in line to board I started to tear up. On the plane, I saw everyone on the observation deck waving to me, and I cried a bit. I didn't have tears streaming down my face or anything, but I was very sniffy and definitely verklempt.

I finished my book on the plane after we finally took off. I enjoyed the book, but I was very depressed and sad.

In Chitose Airport I caught the train to Otaru and in Otaru I managed to find my new school. I spent about an hour there, most of which was reading notes and taking staples out of the walls.

Justin came a bit later and walked me to my apartment,'s right next to his. I got to have a look at the place for the first time. Hmm. Well, the last teacher didn't do a good job cleaning. My Tsuruoka apartment was a lot bigger and nicer. I don't have a balcony here either. Still, I think it will do!

Justin also showed me the local grocery store. Yay!

I unpacked my modem and my telephone...and checked my e-mail. I had 28 messages, but most of them were junk! C'est la vie.

I didn't do a lot of unpacking yet today. I really want to do a lot of cleaning before I do. I need to vacuum and wash a lot of things!

Tonight I went out with my new co-workers for a couple of drinks and some food. It was fun. They seem really nice so I think it'll be good working with them.

I just got back a few minutes ago and wrote this entry. In a moment I'll post it and then I think I'll hit the sack. Nighty night.

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