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June 12, 2000 - Monday

A different day. I'm in a bit of pain as I write, I seem to have done something nasty to my back. I don't know quite what, it just really hurts. Maybe too much moving around of boxes?

I didn't really do a lot of unpacking today, except for my cds. I now have my music, so I feel better. Yay. But, I'm getting ahead of myself.

I had to get up early today to get my gas turned on. I woke up early and decided to get dressed and then go back to bed. I'm glad that I did that, as I was asleep when the man came. He was very nice and even gave me a brochure in English.

I did laundry today and while I was doing that my friend Pamella called me. She gave me a bit of a pep talk and I felt better. She said that she was going to see a movie today. I thought about it and decided that unpacking could wait, so I headed off to see if I could find the Warner Mycal theatre. First I had to find the train station. I took a slight wrong turn, but I found it anyway.

I hopped on a train and got off at the right place. It was marked well, in English even, so I found the theatre with no trouble. I looked at movies on offer and decided to see American Beauty as it was one I wanted to see and hadn't been able to yet.

It was great! I had heard how wonderful it was of course, but I really didn't understand. Kevin Spacey was amazing, as was Annette Bening. I was interested to see that Scott Bakula from Quantum Leap was in it, and so was Chris Cooper, an actor I really admire.

More than just enjoying the movie, I enjoyed the theater. It was an American style, with comfy, wide seats and wonder of wonders, butter on the popcorn. It was a treat. I could get used to living in Otaru after all! Next weekend Gladiator opens and I'm going to see if I can run off and see it sometime.

I took a train back to Otaru and walked to my apartment. It wasn't too difficult to find my way. I was a bit worried as it was the farthest I've gone so far, but I made it!

I still have a lot of things to unpack. The immediate problem is finding where on earth to put everything. I have very little storage. Hmm. I may have to invest in some drawers or something.

Anyway, my first day of work is tomorrow. I'm a bit nervous. I guess I need to relax. If the teacher is nervous, it's a bad sign!

So, that's it for me. I'd like to have an early night, so I'll fill you in on all the details tomorrow.

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