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June 11, 2000 - Sunday

Today was a different type of day. I slept way, way in. It was a nice change from the last few days.

I found a book that had been left here and I spent a lot of the day reading it. It was "Mr. Maybe". It was okay, a lot like Bridget Jones but the heroine wasn't such a loser!

I did do a bit of unpacking and I got the vacuum to work too. I found out what was wrong with it. It has a kind of filter in it, not bags. The filter was completely full of dust. It was disgusting. I took my handy dandy pocket knife and cleaned it out. I got a ton of dust out. Surprise, surprise, when I tried it again, it worked much better.

I cleaned and lazed, lazed and cleaned. I also went for groceries again and I took a trip out to see if I could find my way back to my apartment without getting lost! I did! I also checked that my phone was working when I was out. It is. It's just that people aren't phoning me!!!

I unpacked my stereo, TV and VCR today. I may have to get a new VCR as I can't set my VCR. Last year the remote got fried in a nasty power surge....never leave it on top of a modem! It does work to play movies though, I watched one tonight while I put my cd shelves back together. Tomorrow I'll maybe unpack my cds! That should be fun.

I've been getting some e-mail, it's nice to hear from people again. I miss them a lot. I know this is the hardest part, before I start to make new friends in my school, and before I adjust to Otaru. I'll be fine, it's just that right now, I'm not!

I'd better be off to bed. The gas man is coming tomorrow, then I can take a shower and start doing some laundry. There's nothing like living in a hotel to pile up the clothes! Night all!

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