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June 14, 2000 - Wednesday

Today was a pretty good day at work. I walked to work and noticed that they were setting up stalls all around the area of my apartment. I wished I could have gone to work a bit later, then I needn't have missed it. There was a festival at the local temple.

I met more students today and I think that classes went quite well. Tomorrow I meet a few students for the second time and a couple of new ones I think.

I taught one of my children's classes today. It's an interesting match. He's a very rambunctious boy and she's a very shy and quiet girl. They work quite well together.

A lot of my classes are only one person classes. That's a lot of work for a teacher. Still, I'm not complaining.

Anyway, walking home tonight the hill was lit with hundreds of lanterns. It looked quite beautiful, until they were switched off!

I watched 90210 again tonight. The baby is okay. Whew. What a relief! (Okay, I know it's only a TV programme, I'm not really psycho!)

I might try and get an early night, I might be going out tomorrow night. Adieu.

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