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June 15, 2000 - Thursday

I went to bed last night early. Unfortunately I was in a lot of pain. I could barely move. In fact, I couldn't move without moaning and groaning. Some how I have pulled or strained or something my side. I'm in pain here! I managed to get up and I took a couple of pain tablets.

In the morning, the pain was back. I took one tablet before work. I wasn't feeling very well either, but I had to go to work.

Work was fine. I met some different students and had some of the same ones back again. It was nice to see people again.

I went out for lunch to the department store across the street and had a nice if lonely lunch by myself.

I stayed late as I had to plan for a class tomorrow. It's a test class and I haven't a clue what I should be discussing with her.

Walking home tonight was okay, it was a bit rainy though. There were lots of people around and there were even some teenagers or slightly older guys shooting off some kind of air gun. It was a bit scary actually. They were shooting it at their friends....big fun huh?

At home I watched a bit of TV and I'll probably go to bed soon. I'm really tired. I've been under a lot stress these last couple of weeks and I need to sleep a bit more than usual. Nighty night.

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