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June 24, 2000 - Saturday

I was a tad busier today at work. I had five classes, but still, one didn't show up. Sigh. I did a lot of work though. I cleaned up my was in a mess.

The weather was gorgeous again and sunny. It's too bad I had to work.

Tomorrow we are having a school picnic, that should be cool. I bought a few snacks for the party...I didn't have a chance to go to the market, so I couldn't cook anything.

I got home fairly early tonight and finished re-watching the Killer Tomato Movies. They are a hoot. I recommend them, if anyone wants a dumb laugh. They aren't very intelligent, but they are fun.

I'm trying to think of something interesting to say, but sadly there isn't anything. I'm thinking I need to send some postcards/letters to my friends and family to let them know where I am, but on the other hand, my family isn't too good at letting me know what's up with them. Except of course for Van. My friends mostly have e-mail. I feel bad for the ones that don't, because I'm usually too lazy to write to them.

Okay, that's it. I have to get up tomorrow at my work time so I can go to the picnic. I'll write more tomorrow....maybe?

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