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June 23, 2000 - Friday

Today was okay. It was still slow, but I did a lot of prep work for tomorrow.

I suggested having yukata days next month as part of the matsuri in Otaru, and it seems like we're going to do it. That should be fun. I'll enjoy wearing my yukata again. Speaking of which, I discovered a couple of nights ago that it glows in the dark. The dragonflies on it are made from luminous paint. I have my yukata hanging in my bedroom and after I turned off the light, there are dragonflies everywhere. It's very cool!

I went out for lunch with the manager today. That was nice. I don't know many places around here yet so it was nice to go to a good place with someone else.

I got out of work fairly early and came home. That was nice. I just kind of lazed around then I popped in a movie. I was expecting one of the Killer Tomato movies, but got Speed instead. I'm not complaining. I like Keanu Reeves too.

Anyway, tomorrow I'll be busy so I should go to bed soon. Nighty night.....

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