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June 28, 2000 - Wednesday

It rained again today, but I didn't care. I wore my rain cape to work today, so it protected me from most of the rain.

Today was another disappointing day at work. I had two classes cancel again. It's rather bad on the ego. However I did a lot of prep work and I worked on a lobby display of pictures. I also went and helped out one of the Japanese teacher's classes today too.

Justin and I finally looked at the schedule and he made a few notes about which classes he might be able to transfer to me. It's a bit disheartening when I have nothing to do

We walked home together tonight, and he offered to show me the video store tomorrow night. That'll be nice as I'm running out of videos to watch.

When I got home I was happy to find a letter from a friend of mine in Tsuruoka. He sent me a couple of photos too. That was nice. I'm VERY happy to get the letter.

I popped in a video tonight...If Looks Could Kill, otherwise known as Teen Agent. It's an oldie, but it always makes me laugh.

Anyway, that's it for me. Tomorrow I'll have a quiet day I think. I'll only have 3 classes. Sigh.

Nighty night.

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