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June 30, 2000 - Friday

I do love a sweet romantic movie, don't you? I just finished watching the Gwyneth Paltrow-John Hannah film "Sliding Doors" and I enjoyed it so much. It was smart and witty and best of all, they quoted Monty Python frequently!

I had a very, very quiet day at work. I only taught two lessons, but I did my prep for tomorrow and a bit for next week, so I'm okay. I did however do an interview with a prospective new student and he decided to join my school. Pretty good, I've done two interviews so far and they've both been successful. Yay.

I left work quite early tonight, came home and popped in the Sliding Doors video. I'd wanted to see it for a long time, but my video store in Tsuruoka didn't have it.

I even cooked supper for myself tonight and washed up afterwards. Can you believe it?

Tomorrow I'll have a lot of lessons, for a nice change. I'll be busy. Hurray!

I'm off to bed early. Night....

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