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March 2, 2000 - Thursday

Today was a pretty good day, just busy. Once again I left home a bit too late. The snow was melted in a lot of places so I could have ridden my bike, but I didn't. I made it with 3 minutes to spare today.

At work I changed, vacuumed my classroom then called teachers. I talked to quite a few today. It was rather nice.
After I called the teachers it was my prep time. I did a lot, including one class for tomorrow. Also today, I had a staff meeting, and a new feature, chat time. That's a chance for Hitomi's students to come and meet me and have a bit of fun in English. Hopefully it helps remove the fear of foreigners too.

Classes went well today, especially my child's lesson. I worked a bit on teaching him to write. He didn't get it exactly, but he tried very hard. We had a good lesson. In fact he did so well that I even asked his mum if she'd been working with him at home. Today he remembered things he often has problems with. He usually can't remember "brown" but today-okay. He's very cute at times, he says "people" instead of "purple". When he does I want to break into that old song about the purple people eater, but I don't!

Even the walk home went well. It was nice and quiet, and warm! A lot of the snow has melted or been shifted off the walks so maybe I'll be able to ride tomorrow. Yay.

A pretty nice day. I just hope that I can get some sleep tonight.


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