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March 3, 2000 - Friday

Today was a good day. I got a lot done. I had to plan for today and tomorrow at work. And, I rode my bike to work. Yay. There were a few places where I had to get off and walk, but actually not as many as I would have thought. It was nice to bike again.

I taught a student for the last time tonight and as a thank you he took me out for sushi. Yum. It was really nice of him, and I appreciated it. It's sad to see him go, but he'll be off to the U.S. soon so it's good for him.

My other classes went quite well. An old student even dropped by the school to borrow some of my Country cds. I couldn't really talk to him though, as I have no time between classes.

And that's it. My day was really nice. I wish they were all like this.


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