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March 7, 2000 - Tuesday

I don't know if I over did it yesterday but I definitely didn't feel as genki today as I usually do. I was quite busy at work though so that could account for it. I did an interview and the lady signed up...yay! and my classes went okay.

It was snowing when I left for work this morning and it snowed most of the day. However it was big wet flakes that looked like giant dandruff, so it didn't really stay. I did bike to work and again on the way home. Coming home it was a bit nastier, but doable.

At home tonight I watched Cracker which was awesome tonight and actually wrote a snail mail letter. It's my friend's birthday in 3 days and I haven't sent off her card yet. Well, she's getting a letter AND a card, so I hope she's happy!

Anyway, that's it for tonight. I hope tomorrow is better!

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