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March 11, 2000 - Saturday

It's 4 am and I'm writing my entry. You might think I'm a bit daft to be writing at this time and I think you're right but I just got home from a great party, so I thought I'd better share the news! It may not be grammatical, please forgive me.

It rained today....usually I'd be grumpy about that, but it washed away most of the snow and ice on the path so it was a good thing. It also meant that the day was warmer. Hurray.
The walk to work was fine, just rainy. I think my walk to work song today was "American Pie". I can't believe that Madonna is redoing it.

Classes generally went quite well, except my private student didn't show up, or call either. Oh well.

After work I got ready to go to the party, it was a goodbye party for one student in Hitomi's class and other students are changing classes, so they very kindly invited me and my students along for the fun. It was great. We went to an izakaya and I had a drink. Everyone said that I was very red...I guess I'll have to check out the pictures when they arrive. After the izakaya threw us out at 1:00 am none of the nine people left wanted to go home quite yet, so of course we went to karaoke.

We went to Roppongi. It was nice. I discovered that finally there is a Shania Twain song in the listing, her song "When". I sang it, quite badly to be honest, I don't know the words yet. I apologized but my student said that no-one could tell that I got the words wrong anyway!!! I opened the evening with "Saturday Night" (yes, the Bay City Rollers) and apart from Shania also sang "Copacabana" and "Beth". It was a lot of fun. Lots of people sang, it wasn't just one person, or me! After our time was up, we went home, in taxis of course, or the "we drive your car" service that they have here. It's such a good idea. That way your car gets home with you and everyone is safe and happy. No drinking and driving....

I should get myself off to bed now, I'm meeting Pamella in a scant 15 hours. In that time I have to sleep and do a quick clean up of my apartment. Sigh. That could be difficult!

Ashita desu......

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