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March 14, 2000 - Tuesday

The weather today was fine, but on my way home there was a bit of snow. I hope it doesn't stay, but there was a lot of snow forecast.

What did I do today? Well, I had 5 lessons, normally I have 6 but one of my students cancelled, she's in a one person class so I couldn't teach it without her! In the space where her class was supposed to be I did some redecorating in the school. It looks pretty good too.

My early classes went well, but my later ones weren't so good. I started to feel a bit dizzy in the afternoon. The kids lesson was a bit odd, but they settled down eventually.

I did a bit of redecorating in my classroom too.

Then, I came back home and watched Cracker. It was great tonight.

That's about it. Just a normal day really.

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