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March 13, 2000 - Monday

Today was nice. Pamella and I slept in very late....we deserved it though! We finally roused ourselves and got up around 11:30. I had to go to Sakata to renew my visa, so we had to take showers and head off to the train station. We missed the first train, but we took the next, an express.

In Sakata we walked to the department store where I left Pamella and went on to do my visa stuff alone. I was really lucky, some people left just as I was arriving and I didn't have to wait at all. I walked back to the store and met up with Pamella. We decided to have lunch in the department store. That was really nice. We had pasta and flavoured cafe lattes.

We took a cab back to the station after lunch/early supper as the weather had taken a turn for the worse. We stayed at the station for a while and had coffee. It was really nice just to do something with another person. I spend so much time by myself these days, but I had a great time with my students and Pamella this weekend.

My train left Sakata first, so I left Pamella waiting at the station for her train. On the train back to Tsuruoka I was amazed at the amount of snow there was on the fields around the train tracks.

In Tsuruoka there was about 2 inches of snow. I went into my office for a minute to say hi, and to warn Hitomi about the change in weather. Then I decided to try cycling home. It was really okay...I was scared though, but I didn't have any problems.

I stopped at the grocery store to pick up a few groceries and ran into an old student. He was one of my original students from when I first came to Japan. It was so nice to see him. He remembered me too, and we chatted a little bit. I had been thinking about him a few days ago, so to just bump into him was really nice.

I came home and watched the video that I bought last week. It was a "Made in Canada" cheapie...and not very good. It could have been better. The name was Dream Man. If you really want to see it....ask me and I'll lend you the tape! While I was watching the video I answered my e-mail. With all of the partying I've been doing this weekend, I haven't been able to send any...sorry if you've been waiting. It's on its way, I promise!

And that's it! Have a good day...I did!

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