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March 16, 2000 - Thursday

Today was an odd day. It poured. Getting to and from work was unpleasant, but not too bad.

Work was odd too. I had one class cancel...I knew about it before-hand, and another that I found out no-one was coming to 5 minutes before it was supposed to start. That's a touch annoying!

I did a chat time today and had 6 people come. We talked about food. It was kind of fun.

In my final lesson, one of the students finished. It's kind of sad, I'll miss him a lot.

I made a poster for the school today. It's to try to get students to read our newspapers. I put a picture of Austin Powers on it, and the legend says "Newspapers are groovy baby, YEAH!" I think it's really cool.

Tomorrow I have to do a lot of planning for next week. Maybe I can do more decorating too....I hope?

Gotta go....

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