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March 17, 2000 - Friday

Today was okay. It rained very hard this morning, so I had to be careful riding to work. However, by the time I came home late tonight the rain had stopped and it was reasonably nice out.

It was a long day today. I had only three classes, since one had cancelled. I did a lot of prep work, but its never enough!

I went out for lunch and had a hamburger Japanese style (sans bun). It was really good. It was nice not to go to the same old place and get take out.

In my high school kids class we ended up talking about baseball. I don't know how, but I found myself explaining what "bases loaded" meant. I was surprised that I could do it. I guess I've watched enough baseball movies so I know what it means!

My other classes went okay. Nothing too spectacular though. After work I stayed late and did a bit of decorating. I won't know our school soon.

And that's it. I came home late, and watched Dharma & Greg. It was hilarious. The episode was set during the Winter Olympics. I laughed so hard I bet the neighbours were wondering what was going on.

Tomorrow, the adventure continues!

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