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March 18, 2000 - Saturday

(Written March 19, 2000)

The weather today was great. It didn't rain for a change.

I was busy at work. I had the equivalent of 6 classes, and they all went reasonably well, except I had a major problem staying awake. I don't know why! Usually its the students who can't stay awake, not the teacher. I was popping strong mints in an attempt to keep me awake. It helped for a bit, but I was still very sleepy.

After work I had to do the usual paperwork and then I decorated. I changed the Classroom English display in my room. It looks different, although, to be honest, I liked it before. Oh well.

I left school very late, after midnight, and biked home. I watched 90210 and then as I was too darn tired to move, fell asleep under my kotatsu. Yes, I did have enough sense to turn it off first. I woke up about an hour later....static on the TV blaring away, and took myself off to bed properly, where I slept for a very long time!

Sorry for the delay, but I really needed that sleep. You have no idea how much I needed it.


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