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March 20, 2000 - Monday

Weather wise it was pretty nice today, but we did have some rain/hail action in the early evening.

I stayed up really late and watched Forces of Nature. I rather liked it. It isn't a great movie, but it is fun. When I checked my e-mail before bed I found out that two friends of mine had had a baby girl. Yay. I don't know how every one is yet, so can't give many details yet.

Last night I phoned my sister and talked to her for ages. It's been a while since I talked to her. I actually spoke to Katie too. That was neat! It was really hard for me to understand her, because I had no idea what she was talking about, but it was the first time that she'd really tried to talk to me! I'm not sure if she remembers me from last year.

It was extremely late/early when I went to bed this morning. I slept quite late, except for the call I had to answer around 8:30 am. Egads, why don't people double check the number before they dial?

I finally roused myself around 11:30 and did laundry. I did a mammoth amount as it had been a while. Last weekend I didn't have a lot of time to do clothes.

I watched Universal Soldier The Return with Jean Claude Van Damme. Most people know that I'm a Van Damme fan, but the movie was only okay. The first one was had a strong female character and the fact that Jean Claude and Dolph Lundgren played robotic like characters meant you couldn't tell how bad the acting was! It was also a little poetic. This one had a whiny heroine and a weak story. Too bad.

I also went out to the local drugstore in search of mousse for my hair, but the first store didn't have the kind that I liked. However, I did buy some clear blue mascara...I'll maybe try it tomorrow?

I went to the other drug store across the street and they did have my mousse. Yay.

Then I went to Gusto for supper. It was really nice. I thought the restaurant would be a bit crowded but it wasn't. I got put in a corner...were they trying to hide me?...and read my book. Supper was good. It was a while since I've been there.

Then I came home, watched my tape of Sabrina and then ER.
Now, I'm writing this! Cool day huh? It was a little bit quiet, but not too bad.

Ready for tomorrow????!

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