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March 21, 2000 - Tuesday

It was a strange day today for me. I had 6 classes scheduled, but only 2 of them showed up! My kids group had cancelled last week so I knew they wouldn't come, and another had told the manager that she wouldn't come, but I thought she might anyway. One student called to say that he was having an allergy attack, so he didn't come.

I spent my day planning and waiting, waiting and planning. It was very boring.

After work I went to Mr. Donuts for supper. It isn't often that I finish up early enough to do that. It was really nice to just eat a hot supper and listen to the Mr. Donuts radio station. The DJ is American. I miss radio! I almost never listen to it here.

I'm presently watching Cracker. He's in Hong Kong, only it's the Hong Kong before the hand over. Makes me want to go there! It's always been on my list of places to go.

And that's it. I gotta go....

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