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March 24, 2000 - Friday

Today was better, emotionally. Thank heavens.

The weather pretty much sucked, but I was lucky enough to make it to work and then home again in the few dry times of the day. It rained and the wind blew all day.

I was busy. I did a lot of prep work, so most of my classes for Tuesday are ready, although I do have the kid's group to prepare tomorrow for Tuesday.

I also had four lessons in a row at the end of the day. They all went well. I'm not complaining. Poor Hitomi had about 7 lessons today.

I got a call tonight from my friend Pamella tonight which helped to cheer me up. I'm not sure why, but whenever we talk we both feel better. Of course, that's really a good thing!

Anyway, not much happened today. One of my students who had been absent for about 2 months came tonight and it was great to see her.

That's about it......

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