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March 25, 2000 - Saturday

Well, today was okay. I was quite busy. I finished planning for Tuesday which is a good thing because I've got 7 lessons.

My lessons went well I think. I had a good time and some people that hadn't come for a while came today so it was fun. We did a lot of talking, that made it fun.

After work I did a lot of busy work and then rode home. It wasn't too pleasant. Behind the department store the wind was so bad I thought I'd die! In another place, when I swerved around a parked car, the wind caught me and I almost ran into traffic. It was frightening.

I rented some videos on the way home. I just watched Sam Neill as "Merlin". It was okay. A different version than I'm used to, but interesting nonetheless. I also rented "Notting Hill" with Hugh Grant and Julia Roberts and an Alan Rickman/Emma Thompson film called "Judas Kiss". I'll keep you posted on if they are any good or not.

That's actually about it for today. I'll most likely go to bed soon, although I did just pop in another video.

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