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May 9, 2000 - Tuesday

I was pretty busy today. I had 6 lessons plus a telephone meeting, so not a lot of time to prepare. Luckily I had done most of the work before Golden Week, so I was okay.

Surprisingly all of my classes went well. I had a new student today and she was very nervous, but I think she felt okay. When I told her class was over she breathed such a big sigh of relief!

A nice thing happened. One of my ex-students dropped off a book that I loaned him, and some cookies. When I opened them I discovered that they were Canadian cookies. How thoughtful of him.

The weather today was rather nice. It was hot and sunny. And, surprisingly it didn't rain. I'm impressed.

On the way home I bumped into one of my students. She was on her way to have ramen with some of her friends.

Closer to home, right outside the grocery store there had been an accident. A young man had an accident on his motorbike. I don't know what happened or if he was badly hurt. The bike was in the middle of the road and the man was on the side of the road. He was starting to move. There was already a crowd around him and I saw someone calling on a cell phone so I didn't stick around. There wasn't a heck of a lot I could do anyway.

At home I watched a cop show from Britain. It was called "Touching Evil" and it was pretty good. Then, I wrote some e-mail and I'll soon be off to bed.

That's it for me for tonight. A busy day, tomorrow will be too I think.

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