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May 8, 2000 - Monday

Today was almost as lazy as yesterday. I did wash my bed linens, that was the only work I did today!

I was sitting around my apartment, trying to work up the energy to go out when the phone rang. It was one of my students, inviting me out for dinner tonight. Of course I accepted, I'm always ready to go out and eat!

I took a shower and got ready, and she arrived after 6. She planned to take me to a nearby fish restaurant, but sadly it was closed. We drove around for a bit and then she took me to a very Japanese restaurant. I had fried chicken and Misa had fried oysters. The food was delicious and we had a great chat.

After the meal I invited her round to my still tidy apartment (yay) so she came and we looked at some pictures, mostly of my adorable niece! She left just after 9 pm.

I needed to buy a few groceries for tomorrow, so I decided to return the videos too. I changed into more bicycle-proof clothes and rode off. I did return the videos, and then hit the grocery store. I bought some bread and yogurt, then I came home.

Later tonight I called my friend Pamella and we gabbed. Then, I watched ER and in a few minutes I'll post this and go to bed. That's it for tonight! Today was nice. This week is going to be quite long I think.

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