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May 11, 2000 - Thursday

Today was busy. I taught my regular classes. They went quite well, even the child's class. His Mum said he was in a strange mood, but he did very well.

After work I stayed quite late and did my paperwork. Then I got some other paperwork done, things like counselling sheets. It felt really good to get it done.

The weather today has been really nice. It's kind of a treat in fact. Usually this time of year it is pouring with rain.

I've been reading a lot about the Canadian beer commercial that has Canadians acting all patriotic. It's ironic that it takes a beer commercial to do that! Or is it? I've seen the commercial and I admit I felt a bit "verklempt" when I saw it, but I'm 3000 miles from home! The problem with being Canadian is that everyone thinks we are the same as US citizens. Well we aren't! The nice thing about the Canadian commercial is that it gives us a pep talk, without putting down "the neighbours to the south". At least I think so!

I'm not reading any books right now, I'm busy a lot of the time. I don't have anything to read right now. Sigh.

Anyway, that's it for me for today. I'll probably have a big announcement for my page in a few days. Stay tuned!

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