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May 12, 2000 - Friday

As I write this it is pouring outside.The rain kind of matches my feeling. I'm quite sad right now.

Today I did counselling with one class and set up some times when I can counsel the other classes.

Although I didn't teach a lot of classes today, I did a heck of a lot of prep work. I'm in good shape I think for next week. Well, for Tuesday anyway! My classes all went well too. Yay!

I had to stay late at night to do paperwork. I seem to have so much these days. Sigh.

Tomorrow one class cancelled, which is quite sad, but I should be quite busy I think.

One of my ex-managers is coming tomorrow to stay over. It will be fun to have some company. No, it isn't Taeko! It's another manager. I'm looking forward to her coming.

Today was a pretty good day.

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