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May 19, 2000 - Friday

Today was a better day. I got a lot of planning done. I'm planned up to Tuesday. Hurray! And I got a lot of counselling done today too. Well, not just counselling, but counselling sheets too. Hurray.

In my first class today I taught body language. That was fun. I think I'm going to use that in a couple of other classes too this week.

One of our old managers came to visit us today. She's here to help us out. It was really nice to see her again.

One of my students cancelled her class. It was too bad, but everyone else came. In fact, a student came that hardly ever comes to our school. It was great to have her back in class.

After school Hitomi, a couple of students and I went for ramen. It was fun just gabbing and eating. It was also the first time I'd eaten a decent supper in a few days. It was also nice to go out with other people again.

So, a pretty good day.

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