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May 20, 2000 - Saturday

This morning I had two calls this morning before I left from work. Both were from students of mine, one was when I was still in bed and the other as I was leaving for work. It was nice to talk to people though.

When I left for work there was a bit of drizzle, but nothing serious. Usually when it drizzles like that, it turns into a horrendous downpour and I get soaked, so this was almost nice. I didn't put on my rain cape so it was good that I didn't get wet.

At work today I was busy, but not too bad. I did counselling in three classes which takes a while. I don't like rushing it because sometimes a student has difficulty trying to state their opinions or asking for more guidance. This might be my last time to talk to some of my students too. That's so sad.

I stayed late at work tonight. It wasn't too bad though, just the usual 20 th of the month paperwork. I'm not looking forward to Tuesday though, I will be so busy. Yikes.

Tonight I grabbed some convenience food on my way home and got home in time to watch most of 90210 and then Dharma and Greg.

And that's about it. I should get some packing or something done tonight before bed. Wish me luck!

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