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May 22, 2000 - Monday

Egads! What a day. I'm pretty well beat. I spent most of the day packing and cleaning. The nice thing is that the kitchen is mostly done, fridge is clean, not empty, but at least clean!

I have boxes everywhere! I'm building a maze in my living room. But, when I look around, things are starting to come together. I got my cupboards pretty much cleaned out, I just have a few odds and ends to box up, and pack my suitcase, cd player and my TV and VCR. However, I think I want to wait on that!

I did my usual not eating today, until I was nigh on fainting from if! I didn't eat but I made myself a deal that if I finished the fridge I could go out for supper, so I did. It was nice.

I came back, worked for a while then called Pamella. It was nice to talk to her, someone who's been through the whole move thing. She told me that the feelings I'm having are normal and about what I can expect in the future emotion wise.

I sneaked some (a lot) of garbage out tonight. I hope the Garbage Gestapo doesn't get me. When I came back in I sat at my keyboard and wrote this. Next, I'm off to bed. I'll be having a lot of classes tomorrow....Yikes!

Nighty night.

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