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May 21, 2000 - Sunday

A busy day today. I got up around 9:30 today and started packing after I took a shower. Around 12 a student came over to pick up my heater and he brought me some cake. That was nice.

I packed a lot of things in my bedroom. I "found" a lot of nylons that I didn't know I had and I also found some shirts that I'd forgotten about. It was interesting.

I decided a little after 3 that I'd go downtown and try to get my hair cut. The problem was that there was a torrential rain and thunderstorm going on. I decided I'd go anyway, but put a change of clothing in a plastic bag to take, in case I got too wet under my rain cape.

Well, I was part of the way downtown when I felt an interesting sensation. There was cold rainwater running down between my.....well, let's just say that I got wet. When I got to my office I had to change my shirt. I'm not sure why the water got under my cape, but it did.

I also got to my office and discovered that the hair salon was closed. I was really ticked off! I decided to go shopping and maybe for lunch since I was downtown anyway. I shopped but didn't find anything. I did run into one of my students and she told me that hair dressers take the 3rd Sunday of the month off. Well, that was the first I'd ever heard of it. I went to the restaurant after that. I had a nice lunch and then bought some wrapping paper. I went back to my office, did a bit of wrapping and then read the newspaper a bit.

Then I went home. Of course, by now the rain had virtually stopped and it was a pleasant trip home.
At home I decided to watch my last remaining video before I returned it. It was great...A Simple Plan. I actually think I liked it more than the book. Billy Bob Thornton was really good as the Jacob and Bill Paxton did his usual everyman. (I'm not maligning Bill Paxton, I think he's very talented.) When I finished watching it....a few changes from the book, but substantially the same....I returned my videos.

I popped in to the grocery store on the way back to get supper and bumped into my manager. We chatted for a few minutes then I left and came home. I ate then did a bit more packing. That's basically all I did for the rest of the evening. I'm really tired now, I can barely keep my eyes open, so I think I'll go to bed and continue my packing on the morrow.


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