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May 24, 2000 - Wednesday

My day started darn early. There was a terrible thunderstorm at 6:00 am this morning and it woke me up. I didn't need that!

At work, I had a quite busy day. One of my students finished her textbook and she was so happy when I told her. It was an achievement for her!

Once of my classes had cancelled today...or so I thought. But the student showed up for a lesson. I was eating my lunch, because I thought she wasn't coming. Luckily I was prepared for her next lesson, so I could teach her, but I felt so bad. I think she did cancel, but then changed her mind. However the person that she told about the change in plans didn't pass the message on to me.

I tried a new game in my high school class. We did Time Battleships. It worked really well! I got the idea from a book that I bought a long time ago. The students really enjoyed it. I think they would have kept going after class if they could have.

Today I did some more work on class notes and finished two classes. That was good. I only have 3 more to go, I think.

My party guest list keeps growing. It's amazing. This could be the largest party in my school's history. Another teacher suggested I get a book for students to write goodbye messages in, and it is amazing what people say. Amazing and nice!

Today was a good day generally, except I'm darn tired from the early wakening and from teaching a lot today and yesterday! Gotta go to bed soon.

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