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May 25, 2000 - Thursday

Why did today feel like a really long day? I'm not sure. A student cancelled her lesson today and a class had nobody show up. I did get a lot of class notes written though, so that was good. And I did a level check and had our usual staff meeting.

Today was the Tenjin Festival in Tsuruoka. Unfortunately, I missed it. I wanted to see the parade, but I had work. Oh well.

My child student cried again today, but I didn't care. I had asked his Mum not to speak to him in Japanese in class, I'm worried that he doesn't know which of us is the teacher. Anyway, he started to play a game but did it wrong so when I corrected him, he started to cry. I packed up the game and we tried something else.

Anyway, I should be off to bed, I'm not sleeping well yet. Talk to you tomorrow?

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