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November 2, 2000 - Thursday

Today was the day of the cough. I spent the majority of the day coughing. It wasn't too bad for most of the day, but after work I just couldn't stop. I coughed all the way home and when I got home I coughed so much I was retching. If I'm not a bit better tomorrow I'm going to go to a doctor I think. My body hurts from coughing so much. It's not just my throat, but also my chest and diaphragm.

Having said that it was a pretty good day. I taught a model lesson and did an interview with a potential new student and I think it went quite well. I hope she'll come back.

Other than that, there isn't much happening with me. I taped a Jean Claude Van Damme movie and I might watch it tonight if I can stay up, if I can't I'll watch it tomorrow. It's one of the old ones....Lionheart. I love the bad old Jean-Claude movies.

Relic Hunter is on as I make myself some instant noodles. It's supposed to be set in Paris. I wonder if it really is?

Have a good one. Tomorrow is a holiday and I plan to sleep and stay in bed most of the day. I need to. I'm exhausted.

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