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November 1, 2000 - Wednesday

Well, it's finally November. I wish I felt better. For some reason I think I've had a relapse. I spent the last half on the day coughing and I'll soon take some medicine and go to bed. I feel terrible. Almost like I've gone straight from a cold into the flu or something.

Today was kids day at work. I had one adult class and then 3 with under 16's. Yuck. I'm sorry, I just don't like kids that much. I think I can teach them, I just don't really enjoy it.

I did a lot of prep work for my Saturday's classes and 3 of them are ready. Yay! The other one is a discussion class so if I keep my eyes open for an interesting article that will be fine.

Since I feel really bad, I'm going to bed. This is all you get for tonight. Sorry!

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