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November 9, 2000 - Thursday

It was snowing again today, but again it didn't stay on the ground.

Today health wise was not so bad. A friend suggested that I take some aspirin and I did...or a reasonable substitute. It helped a lot with the pain in my sides and the fever. I did cough a bit though.

At school, 2 classes didn't happen. It's sad, but the other two were pretty great. I enjoyed them anyway.

And... And.... on the way to you believe in portents? In signs from on high? I think I do. I went into the Authent Hotel Bakery to get my breakfast....quiche, a pastry and an apple pie (small). In my change I got one of the new 500 yen coins...the first time I'd ever seen one. Then, when I went out into the mall again I heard an old song from when I lived in Scotland.....Pilot's "Magic". It was so cool. It's been years since I heard it. Remember it? "Ho, ho, ho, it's magic, you know, never believe it's not so, it's magic, you know, never believe it's not so! " I was singing along...under my breath anyway. Then, when that song ended, the next song was one of my favourite (and obscure) Partridge Family songs, "Doesn't Somebody Want to be Wanted Like Me?". It was just too darn cool. 2 songs that I hadn't heard in eons in a row, just when I needed a psychological lift. I felt so much better, just because of two songs.

So, things are going a bit better, I think. I have a fairly slow day at work tomorrow...a meeting, and maybe 3 classes. I'm mostly prepared for Saturday, so I guess I can work ahead and prepare for Tuesday too.

One weird thing that is going to happen, is that my landlord wants to come in and take photographs of my apartment. I'm not sure why. I hope he doesn't expect me to clean up. I'm not exactly a good housekeeper. I'm not even a mildly bad one. I'm terrible. I usually just don't give a hoot about cleaning and tidying up. Why would I? I'm a busy person!

That's it for me for tonight. Have a good one!

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