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November 8, 2000 - Wednesday

It snowed today. I saw a few stray flakes on the way to work, but once I was at work it just came down. It was a bit like a blizzard or something. There isn't any on the ground though, at least not yet.

I also just had two classes. It was supposed to be 3 or 4, but both students in one class said that they couldn't come. It meant that I got a lot of planning done. I planned half of my Saturday's classes today. That was nice.

It wasn't a happy day for my school though. Our manager has decided to become a teacher. Today was her last day in our school. We had a tiny party after work, with cake and presents. She's off to do some training and then she'll go to her new school.

And on a personal note...I'm coughing still. In fact my body is in pain from all the coughing. I can't believe it. Will I ever get better? I don't think so!

Anyway, that's it for me tonight. I have to get to bed soon. I'm tired. I don't know if I'll be able to sleep, but I have to try. Night.

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