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November 29, 2000 - Wednesday

It was nice and sunny this morning. Even though it was mildly cold, it was clear and I felt quite happy walking to work. It was slippery in many places though.

I bought my brunch at 7-11 and I got a free sample of skin care stuff. It was nice to get something.

Work was okay today. I had my monster kid day! 3 kids classes in a row. Strictly speaking they aren't all kids, but they are under 18, so I call them kids. It was okay, especially since I could use the same lesson plan for two of them.

During my lunch I tried to pay my rent. I really hope that I paid it. I did it after the time deadline so it didn't show in my book. I'll have to check in the next couple of days to see if it went through.

I walked home tonight and bought my supper. Last night I made my famous blue cheese pizza, but tonight I didn't feel like it. The walk was a little hairy in places, but over all not as bad as I expected it to be.

When I got home my apartment was cold...darn cold. I keep hoping that somehow it will be warm when I arrive, but I guess that would be too much to ask! I do set the heater to come on in the morning before I get up, but I'm worried about turning it on when I'm not here.

Anyway, that's about it for me for tonight. Catch you later?

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