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November 30, 2000 - Thursday

Today was quiet, but a bit productive. Two of my classes didn't show up, so I did some prep work for classes that don't always get it. I also finally made a couple of Classroom English signs for my room.

The classes that did happen today went quite well. I taught the same basic topic in two classes. That was kind of fun...ordering in a restaurant. The role plays were a hoot. For one class I played a gum-chewing waitress who called her customers "Honey". That was fun.

I went to the Authent Hotel's bakery for my breakfast. I do like their quiche. I also had a cheese croissant.

Lunch I just decided I'd had enough of the office and went out to the tonkatsu restaurant in Nagasakia. It was nice for a change.

When I got home tonight it took a long time for my apartment to warm's so cold in here. I can't believe it. I had been told when I moved up here that the gas heaters were really good, but I'm afraid I just don't see it. It takes hours to get anything near warm here. My lovely kerosene heater in Tsuruoka would get me warm quite quickly.

Speaking of Tsuruoka, I got a call from there tonight. They were having a party and I got to speak to my friend Japanese! It was quite funny.

And that's about it. Tomorrow at work it should be fairly quiet I think. I have to get most of Saturday's lesson's planned. Later, eh!

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