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October 3, 2000 - Tuesday

Today was quite a good day. It rained on the way to work today so I wore my lovely and fashionable blue rain cape.

I also did something unusual for me. I ate breakfast at home! Okay, it was only breadsticks and toast with cream cheese, but it's a start.

I was reasonably busy at work today. One of my students told me that she read my diary and kept going back and back and back, for an hour! That's sort of funny, but flattering.

One class didn't show up tonight and the student didn't call either. I know she's really busy so maybe it's just the time of year.

I came home and caught the tail end of the other Emma. I think it was kind of silly putting two versions of Emma on back to back. It was fun to see it again though.

And that's about it. Nothing too exciting, I'm sad to say, but an okay day. Until tomorrow.....

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