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October 27, 2000 - Friday

It was one of those days where I had nothing to wear so I grabbed a nice suit from my clothes rack and put it in my bag. I went off to work and paid my bills on the way....ouch!

At work I prepared for my lessons and then took part in our staff meeting. During the staff meeting the phone rang and it was for me. One of my ex-students from Tsuruoka was in Sapporo and was wondering if he could come to Otaru and visit me. Of course I said yes.

My first lesson went well and then I met my former student. We went to the restaurant just outside my school's building and I had lunch. He had coffee and watched me eat.It was so nice to see him again.

After lunch I taught my kids lesson and then did a lot of prep for tomorrow. I have a busy day again. I'm glad I didn't have a lot of lessons, as I have a nasty cough and I'm told my voice sounds like Rod Stewart's. Normally I'd be happy to be told that, but at the moment I don't have enough breath control to sing. I keep having terrible coughing spasms. I might have to take more medicine tonight. Sigh. I hate taking medicine, but if I don't, I won't be able to sleep.

And that's it for me for today. Nothing much to say.

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